Le chalet de Pero-Ximo

C'est la place où on mange des mouches noires avec du ketchup sauvage. Mais ça serait pas drôle si les mouches devenaient géantes et qu'elles voudraient manger parce qu'il faudrait se cacher des mouches et vivre en cachette

31 mars 2007

The Odyssey that the Greeks did not do because we are not Greeks (Part 3)

FÀ lire avec un GROS accent français

We returned near the Moulin Red, but it rained and during the smoking of Alexandra and Myriam, someone with the drug in his face want us to go at his mega teuf so we could hear the drum and bass, so we can find a mec and kiff at maximum.  But Alexandra did not know the music and the man was like trying to speak spanish.  "Chinese! Chinese! Chinese!"  screamed Alex with the fun that the by is stupid and after she was laughing in his face but he was drugged.  So we decide to go kiff at another place. We returned to the demolished prison that is not findable because it's not there to become a bridge.  We made a trick to the pigeons.  We took tessons and put the bread on it and the pigeons wanting to eat were kicked by the tesson.  the Kiki the True laughed at them and participated to our rave. In the around of the place, we returned to the place Myriam was questionning the singer.  Near of us, there was an alive ghost of the sad poet suffering with elegance in the smoke behind his book.  But also a blond man and we had wine to eat the cheese.  In the parking of the place, the bird is not crazy.  It goes in the parking and eat the patates frites.  Birds eat worms.  Worms taste like patates frites.  So, we put patates frites on tessons to kick the pigeons again.  When the wine was gone, we were walking to be in a taxi, that we succeed.  The hotel was pigeon-free and we sleep and the tomorrow we sleep more late than normal with looking to the TV.  It was half-english, half-french and half-german with Legos.   We took the Monoprix sandwich with a bag and walked to see the place with chocolate.  But the address was forgotten, so we walked somewhere else that it is look good and where we see the greek-looking Pantheon, even if we were not in a museum.  After, the pigeons were kicked agressivly by a big column of the Pantheon.  But everything was for sale next to the schools and we saw the chocolate place we were not looking for it.  And the wine cheap also.

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At 5:42 p.m., Blogger Myriam said...

J'adore la dernière phrase. J'adore le texte au complet en fait.

At 5:32 p.m., Blogger Zuti-Floke Huju said...

It is because we three of us were participated in the concept of the texts they are good.

At 8:19 p.m., Anonymous Anonyme said...

I just wanting of saying something that is of the moster important: it is not onlym you taking a greek posture on the photo of you, it is you flying around in that big huge museum that i heard is called the louvre it looks like.

And you are not alone. Oh, no. You are kidnapping myriam. Aren't you Hermes?

At 6:46 p.m., Blogger Zuti-Floke Huju said...

Yes, Hermes I am kidnapping Psychée. Then, you were there with your appareil photo and capturated the picture.

At 1:55 p.m., Anonymous Anonyme said...

Yes, and god was there looking at us in the eyes from the towers that were there on the island.


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