Le chalet de Pero-Ximo

C'est la place où on mange des mouches noires avec du ketchup sauvage. Mais ça serait pas drôle si les mouches devenaient géantes et qu'elles voudraient manger parce qu'il faudrait se cacher des mouches et vivre en cachette

31 mars 2007

The Odyssey that the Greeks did not do because we are not Greeks (Part 3)

FÀ lire avec un GROS accent français

We returned near the Moulin Red, but it rained and during the smoking of Alexandra and Myriam, someone with the drug in his face want us to go at his mega teuf so we could hear the drum and bass, so we can find a mec and kiff at maximum.  But Alexandra did not know the music and the man was like trying to speak spanish.  "Chinese! Chinese! Chinese!"  screamed Alex with the fun that the by is stupid and after she was laughing in his face but he was drugged.  So we decide to go kiff at another place. We returned to the demolished prison that is not findable because it's not there to become a bridge.  We made a trick to the pigeons.  We took tessons and put the bread on it and the pigeons wanting to eat were kicked by the tesson.  the Kiki the True laughed at them and participated to our rave. In the around of the place, we returned to the place Myriam was questionning the singer.  Near of us, there was an alive ghost of the sad poet suffering with elegance in the smoke behind his book.  But also a blond man and we had wine to eat the cheese.  In the parking of the place, the bird is not crazy.  It goes in the parking and eat the patates frites.  Birds eat worms.  Worms taste like patates frites.  So, we put patates frites on tessons to kick the pigeons again.  When the wine was gone, we were walking to be in a taxi, that we succeed.  The hotel was pigeon-free and we sleep and the tomorrow we sleep more late than normal with looking to the TV.  It was half-english, half-french and half-german with Legos.   We took the Monoprix sandwich with a bag and walked to see the place with chocolate.  But the address was forgotten, so we walked somewhere else that it is look good and where we see the greek-looking Pantheon, even if we were not in a museum.  After, the pigeons were kicked agressivly by a big column of the Pantheon.  But everything was for sale next to the schools and we saw the chocolate place we were not looking for it.  And the wine cheap also.

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18 mars 2007

The Odyssey that the Greeks did not do because we are not Greeks (Part 2)

À lire avec un GROS accent français After, the pigeons were kicked.  And the Italians were unleashed in the streets and go in the same museum that we were going to.  The statue were still also greek-looking, but Proust was looking at us and the trains was disappeared but not the clock we had make picture of it.  Then, we were in the garden, eating with a look to the people a lot there not far.  The sky was sunny so our eyes were closed to see around.  The Champs Élysées were unclosed to the lot of people in the place and Walt Disney was there with the toys.  The pigeons were kicked, but not by all the people and nobody was kicked by the pigeons so the bread is solid.  Then, the Kiki the True were all there with the costumes and the no-costumes but not all the same size to all the Kikis.  After, it was like a brother to the ourson that is a Kiki older.  The sleep was there because of the early train for the castle that is to be visited.   Then, we go to Javel to change the train but drink no water of Javel.  The castle was luxuous with decoration.  We were obligated to ear the explanations to understand, but the plants were not yet totally alive now.  The frog aroud the water was changing into a man, or the contrary but before, we saw birds in the water.  But the pigeons were not able to swim, so they died.  The others birds liked the bread with no rocks.   Then, the train was rolling to Paris and we saw the God was in the Towers of the church with his eyes that are there but we could ear Notre-Dame singing by the voice of God that is in the towers.  The pigeons were kicked again.  Mr. Jones was absent.  Then, Disneyland was there.   We drank coffee.  After, Disneyland was gone.  God was always there to see us.  Then, the pigeon's head was kicked by the bottle Myriam was holding.  We walk near an igloo that was hot.  After, we went to a place full of nothing.  The man who was playing with the fire was doing nothing so it rained.  But the Kiki was still in the hotel and the Mister in the hotel was still jocking for the key.

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The Odyssey that the Greeks did not do because we are not Greeks (Part 1)

A lire avec un GROS accent français At the beginning, the cars we see that was rolling around the bus were not as normal as our cars.  And after, there was the scientific women that was missing near the baggages.  So, we took the baggages and the pigeons were not sleeping because of the sun that is in the sky during the morning.  And we roll on the train to Paris. In the steps, we did not like that.  But the man of the hotel said to us that we can go up with the ascensor.  It was pink in the room with flowers but little and cute for the girls that are not the boys who don't like the pink but the boys are not there, as the pigeons in the room. We march in the streets of Paris with the face to be happy to see around.  The pigeons started to be more there.  The night made us to be in the bed. But after that, the sun was returning on Paris and the pigeons were there.  In the noon time, we were sitted and Myriam made questions to know about the singer that like the music.  So we climb the steps of the subway, but we were lot liking it to climb the steps.  We march in the streets that have rocks to construct them and there was a house with a look of a rabbit painted.  The people were trying to trap us with a tiny rope but they were not can to put it on our hands when we say no.  The pigeon evitate to be kicked with quickness and ruse.  After we see the Arch, we saw an accident before.  Then, we were to go walking in the Champs Élysées almost closed.  But also, Myriam was followed by an insistant boy but Alexandra kicked him with words in her mouth opened.  The pigeons were not there.  The museum was the tomorrow, so at the hotel we go in the room and make a rave. In the museum, it was impressive in around us and the statues were greek-looking but also the french.  And paintings also too.  But Jesus was also there to make us to see the angels that are in the clouds.  The foot of us tired, we sit and walk to eat at the invitation we have at the restaurant.  The snails were in the butter looking green that is good.  Then, we went outside to find somewhere else, but we were english people, so we had olives but Myriam had red hairs. It is not because of the place she went from.

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